Nick Mackres
Management Expert
and U.S. Marine

Nick Mackres graduated from Columbia University in 1999 as a Mechanical Engineer and was commissioned into the US Marine Corps that same year. He was given the responsibility for supporting 2,000 personnel with global supply chain management in three different countries, managing and controlling procurement of more than $50MM during three combat deployments in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.
In 2005, he left active duty in the Marine Corps and entered Columbia University Business School, earning an MBA. He joined J. F. Lehman & Co. in New York, NY, as a Summer Associate, a private equity firm founded by a former Secretary of the Navy that focuses on middle market LBOs. After graduating CBS in 2007, he joined The Windessa Group as a resource person and shortly after was offered the position of a Managing Partner. In 2011, Nick co-founded EZNERGY NJ LLC, a solar installation startup, and grew the company to almost 100 residential and more than $30mm in commercial sales per year, a CAGR of more than 150% which he divested within three years.
Nick is a school business administrator for the Robbinsville Board of Education (+$60MM budget) in charge of human resources, finance, procurement, grants, transportation, food service, childcare, buildings and grounds, and information technology. In addition, he continues to serve in the Marine Corps Reserve.